Does Staff Recognition Matter?

Employee recognition is important for several reasons:

  1. Morale Boost: Recognizing employees for their hard work and achievements boosts morale and motivation. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and remain engaged in their work.
  2. Retention: Acknowledging employees’ contributions helps in retaining top talent. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.
  3. Productivity: Recognized employees tend to be more productive. Positive reinforcement reinforces desirable behaviors and encourages employees to continue performing at their best.
  4. Teamwork and Collaboration: Recognizing individual contributions also fosters a culture of teamwork and collaboration. When employees see their efforts being acknowledged, they are more likely to support and appreciate the contributions of their colleagues.
  5. Organizational Culture: Employee recognition contributes to building a positive organizational culture. It sends a message that hard work and dedication are valued, which can lead to increased loyalty and a stronger sense of belonging among employees.
  6. Innovation: Recognizing employees encourages them to think creatively and innovate. When employees feel supported and appreciated, they are more likely to take risks and contribute new ideas to the organization.

Overall, employee recognition is essential for creating a supportive and rewarding work environment that promotes employee engagement, satisfaction, and overall success. To help jump start your lifeguard recognition program, we have included a template for a lifeguard of the month program here.

Physical Fitness for Lifeguards

Lifeguards are responsible for ensuring the safety of swimmers and patrons in the water, and physical fitness is an essential component of their job. A fit and healthy lifeguard will be better equipped to respond to emergencies and perform the physically demanding tasks required of the job.  Here are some examples of fitness training that can be beneficial for lifeguards:

  • Cardiovascular training: This can include activities such as running, swimming, cycling, or rowing to improve cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness.
  • Strength training: This can include exercises such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance training to improve overall strength and endurance.
  • Flexibility training: This can include exercises such as yoga, stretching, and Pilates to improve flexibility and prevent injuries.
  • Agility and balance training: This can include exercises such as plyometrics, balance exercises, and obstacle courses to improve agility and balance.
  • Rescue training: This can include training in swimming and rescue techniques, as well as training in the use of rescue equipment such as tubes, spinal boards, and AEDs.
  • First aid and CPR training: This is an essential component of a lifeguard’s job and must be kept up to date.

It’s important for lifeguards to maintain a consistent fitness training regimen, both during the off-season and during the swimming season. Regular fitness training can help lifeguards to perform their duties effectively and safely, and can also help to prevent injuries. 

It’s also important to note that a lifeguard’s fitness level should be appropriate for the specific position and facility where they work, and should be in compliance with the regulations and standards of the facility and the state/country.

Current pre-screen requirements for lifeguard certification may not meet physical fitness requirements to be a lifeguard. Based on current guidelines, it is suggested to evaluate lifeguard fitness levels every 10-12 weeks(1).  The fitness test should match or exceed the physical exertion a lifeguard will experience in an emergency at your facility.  Below are some basic criteria. We have also created a template that can be used to create your own assessment that can be found here:

  • Approach the victim swiftly and efficiently.
  • Descending to the deepest area of the location (not exceeding 20 feet).
  • Retrieving the victim (an adult submersible manikin or equivalent).
  • Returning the victim to safety.
  • Safely transferring the victim (with assistance from other staff if outlined in the specific venue’s emergency action plan) to a designated area accessible for emergency medical services.
  • Administering CPR for a duration of 9 minutes (based on the average US response time) or the documented response time of the venue, whichever is shorter.


  • The sequence above should be done in a continuous uninterrupted sequence. 
  • If your facility does not have a manikin, replace the CPR with a 400-yard swim.  That should be comparable enough to 9 minutes of CPR.


1. Consensus of the United State Lifeguard Standards Coalition. United States Lifeguard Standards. United State Lifeguard Standards Coalition. [Online] January 2011.

Does Hands Only CPR Work for Drowning Victims

Hands-only CPR may not be as effective for drowning victims compared to traditional CPR, which includes both chest compressions and rescue breaths. When someone has drowned, there’s often a lack of oxygen in their system, which requires both oxygenation through rescue breaths and circulation through chest compressions.

Here’s why traditional CPR is typically recommended for drowning victims:

  1. Oxygenation: Drowning victims often have depleted oxygen levels in their bloodstream. Rescue breaths deliver oxygen directly to the lungs, helping to replenish oxygen levels and support vital functions.
  2. Clearing Airways: Drowning victims may have water in their airways, which can obstruct breathing. Rescue breaths help clear the airway and facilitate breathing, improving the effectiveness of CPR.
  3. Circulation: While chest compressions are crucial for maintaining blood circulation, they are more effective when combined with rescue breaths. Oxygenated blood circulated through compressions helps deliver oxygen to vital organs, including the brain.
  4. Special Considerations: Children who have drowned or experienced a near-drowning incident may particularly benefit from traditional CPR, as their smaller airways and faster metabolism require prompt oxygenation and circulation.

In summary, while hands-only CPR is effective for certain scenarios like sudden cardiac arrest in adults, traditional CPR, including both chest compressions and rescue breaths, is typically recommended for drowning victims to maximize the chances of survival and recovery.

In-Water Ventilations

Quickly providing care to a victim who is in respiratory or cardiac arrest is very important. Allowing too much time to pass before care is provided can make the difference if a victim survives respiratory and cardiac arrest.  As a result, we have included in a skill to provide ventilations in the water prior to removing a victim.  This is included based on guidelines from the 2011 United States Lifeguard Standards Coalition and advocated by many lifeguard programs.

With that stated, the 2011 USLSC clearly states the survival rate is increased in open water settings.  The studies cited advocating in-water ventilations were conducted in open-water settings where victims were minutes away from shore.  No research has been shown (or done that we can find) to show in-water ventilations improves outcomes for drowning victims in swimming pools.  If a facility is operating within the standard of care and has sufficient staff trained to properly remove a victim from the water, we cannot see the time spent providing in-water ventilations vs removing a victim and providing care to have a meaningful improved outcome.  This makes the skill unnecessary in a pool setting.  Care can certainly be provided more effectively on land-especially for CPR and airway management. 

A more updated review of in-water ventilations, as well as, other resuscitation interventions for drownings, have found the efficacy of in-water ventilations to be inconclusive.  In fact, the study most cited by advocates of the skill from Brazil “was assessed as providing very low certainty evidence.”

This skill is optional for the certified course, but is included to allow aquatics managers to use the skill for in-service training if they decide it is necessary.  We certainly understand the need for this skill in an open water environment.  However, without corroborating research, this may not be the case in a swimming pool or water park facility-assuming the facility is operating at a high level and has adequate staff trained on how to remove a victim from the water.

Advice for Treating Burns

Treating burns properly is essential to promote healing, reduce pain, and prevent infection. Here’s some of the best advice for treating burns:

  1. Cool the burn: Hold the burned area under cool (not cold) running water for at least 10 to 20 minutes, or until the pain subsides. Avoid using ice or very cold water, as this can further damage the skin.
  2. Remove tight clothing and jewelry: If clothing or jewelry is not stuck to the burn, remove it to prevent constriction and allow for proper cooling and healing.
  3. Protect the burn: Once the burn has been cooled, cover it with a sterile, non-adhesive dressing or clean cloth to protect it from friction and infection. Avoid using cotton balls or fluffy material, as these can stick to the wound.
  4. Avoid popping blisters: If blisters form, do not pop them. Blisters act as a natural barrier against infection. Popping them increases the risk of infection and delays healing.
  5. Use pain relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with burns. Follow the recommended dosage instructions.
  6. Seek medical attention for severe burns: If the burn is severe (large, deep, or covering a sensitive area like the face, hands, feet, or genitals), or if it is accompanied by symptoms like fever, chills, or signs of infection, seek medical attention immediately.
  7. Do not use butter, oil, or toothpaste: Despite common misconceptions, these substances can actually trap heat and bacteria, worsening the burn and increasing the risk of infection.
  8. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help your body recover from the burn and maintain proper hydration levels.
  9. Follow up with a healthcare professional: If you have any concerns about the burn or if it’s not healing properly, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

Remember, the severity of a burn can vary, so it’s important to assess each burn individually and seek appropriate medical care if necessary.

The Cardiac Chain of Survival

The Cardiac Chain of Survival is a series of critical actions that, when performed in sequence, significantly increase the likelihood of survival following a cardiac arrest. This concept is widely promoted by various health organizations, including the American Heart Association (AHA), as a guideline for both laypeople and medical professionals to follow during a cardiac emergency. The chain consists of the following links:

  1. Immediate Recognition and Activation of the Emergency Response System: This step involves recognizing the signs of a cardiac arrest, such as sudden collapse or unresponsiveness, and immediately calling emergency services (like 911 in the United States). Early recognition and calling for help are crucial to start the survival chain.
  2. Early Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Performing CPR promptly is critical because it helps maintain vital blood flow to the heart and brain until professional help arrives. Bystander CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival.
  3. Rapid Defibrillation: This involves the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to deliver an electric shock to the heart. Defibrillation can restore a regular cardiac rhythm in a person who has suffered a cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia.
  4. Effective Advanced Life Support: This step is provided by healthcare professionals and includes the advanced airway management, intravenous medications, and other interventions needed to support life and promote the restoration of a normal heart rhythm.
  5. Integrated Post-Cardiac Arrest Care: After the immediate emergency is over, the patient needs specialized care aimed at preserving brain function, managing other critical aspects of the patient’s health, and facilitating rehabilitation. This includes therapeutic hypothermia (cooling the body), controlled reoxygenation, and other measures to improve the patient’s recovery.

Understanding and implementing the Cardiac Chain of Survival can significantly impact survival.

CPR and understanding the chain of survival is part of any good lifeguard training course. Be sure to practice your CPR skills regularly so you can save a life! 

Good Samaritan Laws

States have implemented laws intended to protect people providing care to victims requiring emergency care.  These laws vary from state to state and we encourage you to evaluate your state’s Good Samaritan Law.  In general, the laws protect rescuers who act in good faith and provide care within the scope of their training.  For example, if you chose to amputate a victim’s finger that is stuck in a door, you may not be protected from liability since, as a lifeguard, you have not been trained to perform such a procedure.  Good Samaritan Laws may not protect someone who has a duty to act.  A complete list of Good Samaritan laws by state can be found here:

Sample Program Bad Weather/Cancellation Policy

The safety of your child(ren) is of the utmost importance to us.  We reserve the right to cancel swim lessons for any reason that puts the safety of your child(ren) at risk.

Inclement Weather:  In the case of thunderstorms or other inclement weather, we will place a notice on the website by 8:00 am the day of the lessons, as well, as update the Facebook page and voice mail greeting to announce the cancellation.

Mechanical or other issues:  We will make every effort to contact parents/guardians at the phone number provided in cases where swim lessons are cancelled for any reason other than weather. 

Make-Up Days: We have purposefully created two make-up days at the end of each two (2) week session in case a swim lesson was canceled.  The class will be made up during one of the make-up days. A refund will not be provided.

Sample Procedure for closing an indoor/outdoor pool during a lightning storm

  1. Designate a weather lookout that can monitor a weather radio, weather TV program or Internet weather information to obtain up to the minute local weather information.
  2. The pool should be cleared and bathers not allowed in the water if there is less than 30 seconds from when a flash of lightning is observed until when thunder is heard.
  3. Have customers collect their belongings and head for the locker rooms, or designated storm shelter
  4. We cannot control if customers chose to stay in the shelter.  If they chose to leave, they can do so of their own free will.
  5. The swimming pool will remain closed for thirty (30) minutes after the last thunder is heard.


Use the Flash-To-Bang (F-B) method to determine a storm’s rough distance and speed. This technique measures the time from seeing lightning to hearing associated thunder. For each five seconds from F-B, lightning is one mile away. Thus, a F-B of 10 = 2 miles; 15 = 3 miles; 20 = 4 miles; etc. (16). 

Attached to the procedure should be a facility map with the designated storm shelters.

Recreational Water Illnesses (RWI)

Even though pools are required to be disinfected to prevent people from getting sick, there are bacteria resistant to chlorine.  Two examples are Cryptosporidium and Giardia.  Depending on the chlorine level of the pool, it can take days for chlorine to kill Cryptosporidium in pool water. Since the most common RWI are spread through diarrheal events, people that are ill should not participate in swimming activities.

Below is a table that shows various disinfection times based on a Chlorine level of 1ppm (parts per million):

Chlorine Disinfection Timetable
AgentDisinfectant Times for Fecal Contaminants in Chlorinated Water
E. coli 0157:H7
less than 1 minute
Hepatitis A
approximately 16 minutes
approximately 45 minutes
approximately 15,300 minutes (10.6 days)

Who is watching the pool during rest breaks?

I have visited a few pools this summer.  One thing that always strikes me as odd is how often there is no lifeguard presence during rest breaks.  I firmly believe this is a HUGE mistake.  When customers are told the facility provides lifeguards, that means the whole time-not 45-50 minutes of an hour.

Over the past few weeks (during rest breaks), I have observed small children swimming on their own and people throwing each other into the pool.  All while there is no lifeguard on the pool deck to intervene.  A good practice is to have a supervisor observe the pool during rest breaks.

While on the topic, are rest breaks required?  The simple answer is not in most areas.  We cannot figure out where or how rest breaks started.  It is one of those things that are now legend and nobody can remember how rest breaks came to be.  Some reasons we have heard include:

  • Allow time for kids to use the restroom and prevent water borne illnesses
  • Gives small children time to rest
  • A chance for kids to re-hydrate and not drink the pool water
  • To give lifeguards a break
  • Present a time to put on sun screen.
  • So pools can sell concessions

Whatever the reason you choose to have rest breaks, a lifeguard still should be watching the pool at all times!