Lifeguard University Instructor Trainer Information
Developing high quality instructors is very important to Lifeguard University. We work with organizations to to ensure they have the tools they need to develop new instructors and that includes elevating instructors to become Instructor Trainers (IT’s). Below are the minimum general criteria we use in deciding if an instructor is eligible to become an Instructor Trainer. Since Instructor Trainers are the top level instructors, it is not something where a lifeguard instructor can just take a class. There is a selection process where we take into account how the instructor’s experience, feedback from other instructors/instructor trainers and students.
General Minimum Requirements to Become an Instructor Trainer:
- Be at least 21 years old.
- Have at least 2 years of full time aquatics supervisory experience or 4 years of seasonal aquatics supervisory experience.
- Taught at least 10 full and review lifeguard training courses.
- Be in good standing with a current Lifeguard University Instructor certification.
Selection Process:
Both Lifeguard University and the Customer (Organization) can start the process to nominate a prospective Instructor Trainer candidate. Once nominated, the candidate is interviewed and teaching history is reviewed by Lifeguard University. Lifeguard University will ultimately decide which Instructor Trainer candidates are selected for the process.
Selection Process:
The training program is customized based on the needs of the instructor trainer candidate and the organization. Since there are two paths to become an instructor, the completion process for an IT will depend on how they plan on training new instructors for their organization. However, once someone becomes an IT, they have the option of having new instructors follow either path.
To maintain the Lifeguard University Instructor Trainer Certification:
- Teach at least one lifeguard instructor course in a 24 month period.
- Complete an online assessment every 24 months
Lifeguard University does acknowledge Instructor Trainers from other organizations. Contact us for details on how to convert your instructor trainer certification to Lifeguard University.